What is Firstbase.io?

We believe that people with passion can change the world for the better.

That’s why Firstbase.io is dedicated to breaking international barriers by helping founders from all over the world easily launch a US company — a powerful legal structure used by some of the most innovative companies on earth.

Firstbase.io empowers entrepreneurs to make the most out of their expertise and vision. We are helping founders from around the globe to incorporate in the US and get access to the greatest startup ecosystem, venture capital, seamless payment processing, and other benefits.

Our simple online module takes about five minutes to complete and provides us with everything we need to establish your company.

For a one-time fee of $399, we take care of everything, including incorporation, EIN obtainment, business bank account, US address setup, all essential legal documents, registered agent fees, free legal consultations, $20,000 in startup rewards, and a 24/7 expert lifetime support. There are no hidden fees — all costs are built into our pricing.

Incorporating in the United States is a critical step for many businesses looking to accept online payments, raise capital, sign contracts with US clients, start US operations, and build trust with a global customer base. Firstbase.io is the most convenient way for startups all over the world to launch a US-based business. This is delivered by people, technology, and a vibrant community.

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